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unger Schmetterling aus Irenes Zucht vor seinem ersten Flug Mariposa joven de la crianza de Irene antes de su primer vuelo Young butterfly from Irenes breed before its first flight |
Von Mariangela
Gestern war ein normaler Tag, mehr als normal für das, was mein Leben die letzten drei Monate war. Am Vormittag begleitete ich Rafael zu seinem Fussballturnier und war sehr stolz zu sehen wie er Tore machte und wie ein Champion spielte. Bevor ich krank wurde, gehörte es zu meiner mütterlichen Routine, an den Wochenenden an die Fussballturnieren von Rafael zu gehen und zuzuschauen. Dass ich jetzt wieder einmal gehen konnte, war sehr berührend.
Am Nachmittag gingen wir alle zusammen essen, was vorher auch zur Routine gehörte, dass ich jedoch seit langen nicht mehr machte.
Am Abend war ich sehr müde, aber ich war sehr bewegt, die Gelegenheit gehabt zu haben, einen so normalen Tag zu verbringen…
Un día mas que normal
From Mariangela
Yesterday was a normal day, more than normal for what has been my life in the last three months.
In the morning I accompanied Rafael for a while in his soccer tournament and I was very proud to see him make goals and play like a champion. Before getting sick, going on weekends to see Rafa’s football tournaments was part of my maternal routine, so being able to see him again made me very emotional.
Then in the afternoon we all went out to eat, something that was also routine before, but that I had a lot of time without doing.
At night I was exhausted, but I was very excited to have the opportunity to have had such a normal day .
More than a normal day
From Mariangela
Yesterday was a normal day, more than normal for what has been my life in the last three months.
In the morning I accompanied Rafael for a while in his soccer tournament and I was very proud to see him make goals and play like a champion. Before getting sick, going on weekends to see Rafa’s football tournaments was part of my maternal routine, so being able to see him again made me very emotional.
Then in the afternoon we all went out to eat, something that was also routine before, but that I had a lot of time without doing.
At night I was exhausted, but I was very excited to have the opportunity to have had such a normal day .
Bravo Rafa!!!Hi prima,Hope you are resting well and enjoying your stay at home! I'm sure you are thrilled to pieces to be home!!Much love,Rosy
Como lo has dicho tantas veces, las cosas son tan relativas y hoy esa normalidad es algo extraordiario. Me alegro tanto de solo imaginar lo que lo has disfrutado y como habras saboreado esos momentos. Nosotros nos emocionamos por voste mando un abrazo fuerteClau.
Sí tuvieras veinte años menos te proglamariamos la bella reina de la Calle Abajo de Las Tablas ya que en estas fotos solo se puede ver lo feliz que estas y lo bien que se te ve para felicidad de todos en tu casa y todos lo que te vemos a diario a traves del Blog,la sanación total esta a la vuelta de la esquina, besos a todos, quien siempre te tiene presente tu prima Tity Solis.
Chère Mariangela,A \”Fussballturnier\” No wonder you were exhausted at the end of the day ! only kids can stand that ! good, I bet your sleep was easy to find and your rest was good. I am so glad they allowed you to stay home for two weeks, it must be so good for your family to have you back.Hello to Peter who allow us to be with you. Bises Françoise
hola amiga, fue toda una jornada entonces! que bien que pudiste disfrutar todo y ser parte de toda la actividad familiar…dales muchos saludos a tu familia y sigue cargando baterias! te ves super feliz!BesitosAntonio y Ana
Amigachon, que felicidad que vuelvas a las rutinas!!!!!!Saludos a Rafa, Nico, Peter, Ramona y la cuñada. Te ves muy bien!!!
Hola! Te ves muy bien con esa camisa roja. Un abrazo, Yoly
Mariangela, estoy muy feliz de saber tan buenas nuevas tuyas, ultimamente!!! Sigue disfrutando estos dias en casa! Besos a todos,Maria Teresa
Que bueno amiga que la hayan pasado de lo lindo, muchas felicidades para ti y tu familiaVivi
Celebro, y doy ¡Gracias a Dios! por los progresos. Un gran abrazo para toda la familia y en especial a Ramona.margarita ayala